Sunraysia Stays
Friendly Back Packers centrally located, excellent facilities, local bus service passes by outside. Local shops 2 mins walk.
Sunraysia Stays is a backpacker hostel located at 230 Deakin Ave in the vibrant city of Mildura, Victoria, Australia. Our hostel offers a comfortable and inclusive accommodation experience for travellers seeking both adventure and relaxation. Our facilities include shared and private rooms, a communal kitchen and dining area, laundry facilities, and free Wi-Fi. Our friendly staff are available to assist with any questions or concerns. Come stay with us and experience the best of Mildura!
Location & Directions
230 Deakin Avenue , Mildura VIC 3500 , Australia
Cancellation Policy
Sunraysia Stays is open for all travellers, regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political persuasion and physical or mental impairment. However, all guests staying in Sunraysia Stays Hostel are expected to behave in a manner that does not prevent other guests from enjoying their stay.
The expected behaviour by guests is classified in the criteria below and these comprise the following House Rules.
As you will be sharing property facilities and perhaps a room with other guests, you will always treat other guests with respect, allowing them the quiet enjoyment of our facilities and services. Sunraysia Stays will not accept:
Any form of harassment or causing our employees or other guests to feel uncomfortable and/or unsafe
Aggressive behaviour, verbal abuse or any form of intimidation
Guests with a notifiable, infectious disease that could present a health and safety risk to others- Excessive noise- Excessive Consumption of alcohol and/or being under the influence of illegal substances
Anti-social or disruptive behaviour- Poor personal hygiene likely to cause offense
The filming or photographing of any person on the Hostel premises without their consent
Guests allowing an unauthorised onsite visitor or provide them with access codes, all guests are to sign in at the Hostel Office.
Alcohol is not permitted to be drunk onsite, however there is an array of restaurants, pubs and bars in town just a close walking distance to our Hostel, we just ask you don’t bring it back into the hostel.
Illegal activities
No guest shall undertake any unlawful activity on the Sunraysia premises and Sunraysia may notify the police of any such activity. This would include: -
Any breach of a public health order
Aggressive behaviour, verbal abuse or any form of intimidation
Possession, use, sale and/or distribution of illegal substances
Wilful damage to Sunraysia Stays property or the property of others
Theft of personal belongings, including labelled food left in guest kitchens
Smoking and/or vaping in a non-smoking area- Interference with property fire protection measures.
Property guidelines:
To operate effectively for all guests, Sunraysia properties have a range of operational procedures which all guests are expected to follow. These include:
Presenting photo identification at check-in
Adhering to checkout times
Accepting liability to provide compensation for any damages or costs incurred by Sunraysia Stays as a result of their direct actions, including activation of the fire alarmPayment in advance for accommodation which must be made by the guest
Taking reasonable care of your own health and safety and not acting in a way that jeopardises others' health and safety
We will not be able to accommodate someone whose care would place an unreasonable burden on staff or other guests.
At times, the property team members may be required to issue further instructions to guests. Sunraysia Stays guests are expected to comply with any reasonable request made by the property team. Aggressive and/or threatening behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated.
Failure to meet the Sunraysia Stays House Rules may result in the following:
A delegated authority of Sunraysia Stays requesting the guest to leave the premises
Suspension of stay and refusal of entry. For additional information regarding Sunraysia Stays booking conditions please see booking terms and conditions.